Friday, January 10, 2025



Beware the ‘ides of SARS’

“A SOOTHSAYER bids you beware the ides of March”. These famous Shakespearean words forewarning the misfortune of Roman emperor Julius Caesar (which Caesar ultimately ignored and led to his demise) may not be as archaic as appears at first sight—especially in the realm of tax, and when SARS’ new ‘audit strategy’ is considered.

In recent months we have seen a substantial spike in SARS contacting taxpayers directly (even with the appointment of a registered tax practitioner or legal representative), either telephonically, or via email correspondence, seeking additional information / confirmations from the taxpayer.

A good example of this, couched as a simple question, is what the taxpayer’s ‘intention’ is with regards to a specific asset, as per declaration made to the revenue authority. These questions posed by SARS may come across as harmless to the unwary taxpayer. However…

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